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One-day debate, voting on 8 September in SL parliament

Posted by Vanniyan Saturday, September 4, 2010

The 18th Constitutional Amendment Bill will be debated and put to vote 8 September in Sri Lanka parliament, according to decision taken at a meeting by the leaders of political parties represented in Sri Lanka parliament, presided by Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa.

Proposed 18th Amendment enables an incumbent president to hold office any number of times. It also enables the President to attend parliament once in three months and the creation of a five member Parliamentary Advisory Council replacing the Constitutional Council under the seventeenth amendment of the country’s constitution.

The Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa is to announce the decision of a five-judge Supreme Court bench headed by Justice Shiranee Bandaranaike on the constitutionality of the bill on Monday 7 September when parliament meets or prior to the debate that is to commence 8 September at 9:30 a. m.

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