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All island District Government Agents conference in Jaffna

Posted by Vanniyan Monday, September 6, 2010

Sri Lanka Public Administration Affairs Ministry held its first all island District Government Agents conference in Jaffna Monday in District Secretaiat hall at 9:00 a.m presided by Sri Lanka Minister of Public Administration, John Seneviratne. Jaffna Government Agent Ms. Imelda Sukumar told Tamilnet that past development activities in the North and future devolpment projects were discussed in the meeting. Allocation of funds for various projects was also considered, the GA said.

The newly appointed Government Agents to Ki'linochchi and Mullaiththeevu districts in the war affected Vanni highlighted the plight of resettled families in Vanni, Jaffna Secretariat sources said.

The issue was explored deeply in the conference, they added.

All government agents from the twenty-five administrative districts in Sri Lanka attended the conference.

The first Cabinet meeting of Sri Lanka’s government was held last month in Ki'linochchi outside Colombo.

The conference of GAs continues amidst accusations raised by civil society circles in Jaffna that Sri Lanka government had not done enough for the North.

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