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UNP to boycott debate on 18th amendment Wednesday

Posted by Vanniyan Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ranil Wickremasinghe, the leader of the main opposition United National Party (UNP) Tuesday announced in Sri Lanka parliament that his party would not attend the debate on the 18th amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka when it is taken up for debate on Wednesday. UNP parliamentarians led by Ranil Wickremasinghe thereafter walked out.

Prime Minister D. M. Jayaratne tabled the amendment bill amidst protests from the opposition amidst vociferous protests from the Opposition.

However, Speaker Chamal Rajapakse maintained that since the Supreme Court has ruled that the Amendment Bill was consistent with the Constitution and that only a two thirds majority in Parliament was needed, it did not pose any problems with the tabling of the Bill.

The Speaker suspended the sitting of parliament for about ten minutes following the walk out by the UNP.

UNP parliamentarians came out and held a Satyagraha campaign outside the Parliament.

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